Sure, here goes. (This will work for any of your shows)
* I talk about some random and un-remarkable and un-interesting part of my life without any sense of irony about the self-absorption.
* I talk about drugs as if that makes me a big shot
* I suck Jack the Insecure Faggot's dick
* I talk more about my teen angst
* I whine about trolls on a troll forum that troll me
* I talk about people that no one has heard of or has been given a reason to care about
* More teen angst: parents, homework, school, no one understands me whine
This is what I like best about his show:
* talk about people that everyone has heard of and has reason to care about
* talk about some remarkable and interesting part of my life with sense of irony.
* talk about drugs because that makes me a big shot
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maybe i should talk about how i didn't get laid until 16,
and how i left rsd, why i hate papa, and
my company called revolution21.com
maybe i should also boldly proclaim how i shut down the forum
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thanks for contributing
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Is it because you guys are each others' only fan (and listener) or because he doesn't care that you say PUAs are a scam on your show and then market the hell out of them to scam $$ on your list?
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that would at least be interesting for a few episodes like barry's was. eventually gets old.
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When did JTR say pick up was a scam? I never heard him say that?? LOL you have selective listening. You should take the time to hear a whole show just like the other 160 ppl on pua hate...
Youve hurt me fweelings...to feel better I should go and laugh....ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK!!
J The Sheep Fucker
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Class is permanent, form is temporary
The king has spoken
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Dude, just make sure all your programs are closed and just use Audacity. Delete unnessaesary files, do a defrag, or even maybe a sytem restore might help:
start > accccessories > system tool > system restore and pick a recent date when your PC was last working well. It will reset it self to those settings. The function is 100% reversal too so dont worry.
Damit superjoint, i been waiting all day for a show...arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
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Nice 2004 Neil Strauss AMOG tactics. Like they are not completely transparent here, idiot.
You really have absolutely no shame, do you? You're really pretending that you've never said that commercial PUAs are scammers? Or that everyone you've been desperately marketing and pushing through your list genuinely delivers value? I can't be arsed to check, but I think you stooped so low you were promoting Mehow at one point.
Off your own fucking site:
(but yet you promote and market bootcamps)
(that you try to scam others into)
(that you don't talk about when you're trying to fill bootcamps for your butt buddy PUAs)
That's just on the first page. Read your own posts here, including on your banned accounts. Didn't you title one of your awful shows the pua community is all fake? IDK, because your show is like listening to a bunch of cats boiling in a vat of hot piss and I had to turn it off after a minute.
You're disgusting, because you had the opportunity to see what a scam it all from the inside, AND YOU STILL SCAM. So fuck you, cunt.
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Of course not, if you did you would have no ground to argue on, and you would join PUA Comic in the realm of irrelevency. Youre life biggest achievement is that JTR is temporarily awknowledging you on this forum. Put that on your Epitaph Barry!!
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Nah, I'm 100x better than you since I don't scam people for money or talk out of both sides of my mouth.
I realize this site is for the lulz and all, but you make me sick.
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Barry, no one listens to your show anymore, and your pathetic stealth marketing attempt with Nick Cottons "Iso Cotton" is so transparent its hilarious...do you really think that by tricking ppl to listen to your show uder the guise of "we're scrwing barry by getting his show for free" will work? LOL, I get to write history, and you are my spin off.
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I'm not Barry. Barry is a loser, although not a paid shill for PUA scammers like yourself.
It's interesting that instead of dealing with the facts and responding to the questions you keep trying to change the subject.
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the more you talk, the more i think you are barry.(nlp)
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It's a free country. You're welcome to think that, just like you thought I was Monstar, Midnight, Sandros, Iambrian, Vaginaisback, Jamal, and a whole bunch of others I've forgotten about. I've given enough bio details about me like my high school, my job, and where I live that you really shouldn't think I'm Barry unless Barry moved to Venice, but like I said, it's a free country and if it makes ya happy to believe I'm Barry, all power to you.
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im not sure about the laws in canada bro.
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i am in the process of getting a half stack right now
ill use my new blue yeti mic to record, i recommend that mic to any podcasters out there, only down side is that it is kinda of big.